If there is one group who are in desperate need of support to be at their best, it’s our teaching community.

The omnipresent need to be preparing, planning, teaching, reviewing and managing extra-curricular activities combined with the importance of the task itself is a challenging environment for teachers at all levels.

This represents a risk on a cognitive, behavioural and emotional level which if left unchecked impacts your personal wellness and teaching performance.

While there are many philosophies for what we should do, the neurological evidence provides us with a more scientific basis for action.

What is clear from the data is that we are attempting to operate in a way in which we are not designed and the result is a level of stress which has become the norm, rather than an emergency response that something needs to change.

The good news is that the evidence also points to 6 specific areas where we can make good decisions to be at our best.

We call them the 6 cylinders of wellness.
NUTRITION: Get a diagnostic on what your body needs and feed it the fuel it requires.

ACTIVITY: 30 mins of low intensity activity per day and movement every 45 minutes.
SLEEP: Regular sleep patterns without technology in the bedroom.
SOCIAL CONNECTIONS: Connecting regularly with positive people face to face, not online.
TIME OUT: A weekend away or holiday is an important sustainability measure.
OUTLET: Any activity which engages your mind and body.
Our 2014 research shows that by making small changes, stress reduced by 8% and workload pressure reduced by 16% in 6 weeks.

So to be at your best, you need to be selfish here and look after your own wellness.  In doing so, you’ll be a more effective teacher.

A complete guide can be found on our website with a personal scorecard and action plan for you to complete.

Christopher Paterson is the MD of